Performance in Five Army Jobs by Men at Different Aptitude (AFQT) Levels: I. Purpose and Design of Study.
Abstract : To provide information about the performance and characteristics of effective and ineffective marginal personnel in the Army, a study has been made of approximately 1800 men with experience ranging up to 20 years in five MOSs (11E, Armor Crewman; 63C, General Vehicle Repairman; 76Y, Unit and Organizational Supply Specialist; 91B, Medical Specialist; 94B, Cook). The sample included a comparison group of men in the same jobs but coming from the upper (non-marginal) part of the AFQT distribution. Performance was measured by intensive job sample tests, job knowledge tests, and supervisor ratings. Information about background, personal characteristics, and military experiences was obtained through biographical questionnaires, a battery of published and experimental tests, and Army records. The report, the first in a series, describes the rationale, research design, and general chronology of research events in the study. (Author)