[Past and future in an original University: The Catholic University of Louvain]

Created in an university founded in 1425, the chemistry will develop from the XVIIth century, starting in the faculty of medicine. The existence of a chemistry department as such date back to the XIXth century, when the doctorate in science (PhD) is created. A strong cooperation with industry starts from the 50's. Around 1970, the French speaking part of the university, located in the Flemish speaking part of the country, will move to the Walloon part of Belgium. This is the opportunity to create a new town, Louvain-la-Neuve (literally Louvain the new), associated to the University and to an important industrial park. The chemistry department will develop from then, continuing his now traditional cooperation with the industry. The future will depend on the replacement of the present staff by young colleagues. It has started very well, and will be continued at an accelerated pace in the next ten years.