Pleural abrasion in the treatment of recurrent or persistent spontaneous pneumothorax. Results of 94 consecutive cases.

In the ten-year period 1982 to 1991, 94 patients underwent pleural abrasion as definite treatment for spontaneous pneumothorax. Surgical indications included: 1) third recurrence of homolateral pneumothorax, 2) second recurrence of homolateral pneumothorax in the presence of alternating pneumothorax, and 3) persistent air leak with incomplete lung re-expansion in the presence of spontaneous pneumothorax treated with pleural drainage for more than 10 days. No deaths were observed in the present series. Post-operative complications were minimal and all reversible, including two cases of pleural effusion, one case of hemothorax, and one case of Horner's syndrome. Eighty cases were followed up from 7 to 91 months. No recurrences occurred during the follow-up period. Clinical, radiological and functional results appear satisfactory. Pleural abrasion seems to represent a valid surgical option in the treatment of recurrent or persistent spontaneous pneumothorax.