Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities
Introduction: Situated Identities/Diasporic Transcription 1. Constructions of the 'Asian' in post-war Britain: Culture, Politics and Identity in Pre-Thatcher Years 2. Unemployment, Gender and Racism 3. Gendered Space: Women of South Asian Descent in 1980s Britain 4. Questions of 'Difference' and Global Feminisms 5. Difference, Diversity, Differentiation 6. 'Race' and Culture in the Gendering of Labour Markets: South Asian Muslim Women and the Labour Market 7. Re-framing Europe: En-gendered Racisms, Ethnicities and Nationalisms in Contemporary Western Europe 8. Diaspora, Border, and Transnational Identities 9. Refiguring the 'Multi': The Politics of Difference, Commonality, and Universalism