High-Performance Smart Cameras

This chapter describes a high performance smart linescan camera developed to be used in quality inspection systems for high grade printed matter. Such an inspection system has to meet many demanding requirements as very high inspection resolution (better than 100 m) at high production speeds (up to 20 m/s). A total data rate of several Gigabytes per second has to be processed continuously. Under consideration of reasonable system costs, the term high performance is related to the most critical design factors: resolution, speed, throughput, and inspection quality. The smart camera approach overcomes the bottleneck between high speed imager and remote image processing system. Powerful processing units like high end field programmable gate arrays and digital signal processors are integrated into the camera housing. Thereby, it enables outstanding quality inspection in terms of accuracy and economical feasibility. Architectural elements covered in this chapter include the multiple exposure method, which allows the design of high speed linescan cameras based on area scan images, high throughput image processing, high level image processing, as well as a fiberoptic-based 10 Gbit Ethernet used as camera interface. The chapter concludes with an outlook to future developments in the field of high performance smart cameras.