한국 대학생들의 영어 관계대명사 습득 양상
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the order of difficulty in the acquisition of relative clause constructions by Korean college students. Five hypotheses were tested and examined to predict the order of difficulty. The study employed 55 Korean college students and used the production and comprehension task to elicit necessary data from subjects.
The results of this study are as follows.
Firstly, the investigation showed that two of the 5 hypotheses, the PDH and the SOHH were supported best in predicting the order of difficulty in the acquisition of English relative clause constructions. The position of antecedents and the syntactic function of NPs affect the acquisition order.
Secondly, the acquisition order seemed to be different according to the task types used in the experiment.
Thirdly, the analysis of the two elicitation tasks revealed that there is a significant difference in the acquisition order of the two tasks. And the score of the comprehension task is higher than that of production task of the relative clause constructions.