The concerns of efficient data management and logical inference on the Semantic Web often lead to disconnection between the surface structure of RDF/OWL data/ontologies and the background state of affairs. The PURO ontology background model language allows to explicitly capture the mapping between the foreground and background modeling layers. The background modeling primitives are intentionally kept analogous to those of RDF/OWL, namely, derived from the particular-universal and relationship-object distinctions. We project the PURO framework onto the W3C CPV family of structural design patterns, thus providing additional insights into them and possibly facilitating their selection and reuse.
Nicola Guarino,et al.
An Overview of OntoClean
Handbook on Ontologies.
Chris Welty.
The Ontological Nature of Subject Taxonomies
Johanna Völker,et al.
Integrated Metamodeling and Diagnosis in OWL 2
Martin Hepp,et al.
Alignment of Ontology Design Patterns: Class As Property Value, Value Partition and Normalisation
OTM Conferences.
Vojtech Svátek,et al.
Metamodeling-Based Coherence Checking of OWL Vocabulary Background Models