Business Process Management (BPM) provides the methods, tools and modelling notations to support a processcentric organizational view and management capability. As organizations grow in size and complexity, process improvement initiatives may involve change that has direct / significant impact across an organization. Thus, we provide methods and extensions to existing process modelling notations to analyse change against highlevel models of the organization. Our approach permits improved analysis against higher-level organizational structures, motivations, inter-dependencies and capabilities that should be ideally considered as primary requirements during process design. Additionally, the organizational model becomes the ‘scaffolding’ with which to construct effective process architectures and management portfolios. This paper discusses our approach in the context of two modelling notations – the i* framework as an organizational modelling notation, and the BPMN notation for business process modelling. Disciplines Physical Sciences and Mathematics Publication Details Koliadis, G., Ghose, A. K. & Bhuiyan, M. (2006). Correlating business process and organizational models to manage change. In S. Spencer & A. Jenkins (Eds.), Australasian Conference on Information Systems (pp. 1-10). Australia: Australasian Association for Information Systems. This conference paper is available at Research Online: 17 th Australasian Conference on Information Systems Correlating Process and Organizational Models 6-8 Dec 2006, Adelaide Koliadis Correlating Business Process and Organizational Models to Manage Change Mr. George Koliadis, Prof. Aditya Ghose, Mr. Moshiur Bhuiyan Decision Systems Lab, School of I.T. and Computer Science University of Wollongong, N.S.W. Australia
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