In economic terms, the adoption of new technologies for industrial automation and control is characterized by strong " network effects " where the value of a technology increases as more users and vendors adopt it. Because of these effects, and the long life cycle of industrial equipment, the adoption of new technologies in this domain is much slower than in the consumer market with its shorter product life cycles. Nonetheless, the existence of these effects causes a positive feedback loop such that, if the needs of early adopters can be met, the adoption of the technology follows the wellknown Sshaped " logistic curve " characterized by a Launch phase populated by innovators, a Takeoff phase populated by early adopters and a Maturity phase populated by late adopters. This paper utilizes information presented at the " IEC 61499 Day " at SPS/IPC/Drives in Nuremberg last November to show that IEC 61499 is currently in the Launch phase, and 1 to identify application domains where " killer apps " are most likely to emerge that will boost IEC 61499 adoption into the Takeoff phase. The characteristics of probable early adopters are described, and the advantages likely to accrue to them during and after takeoff are identified. Finally, this paper identifies the means to ensure the presence of those factors necessary to ensure a successful takeoff of this technology.