3D Fabric-forming Processes: Distinguishing Between 2D-weaving, 3D-weaving and an Unspecified Non-interlacing Process

In the production of 3D fabrics for textile-based composite material applications, the conventional 2D weaving device is employed to produce interlaced 3D fabric comprising two sets of yarns, and non-interlaced 3D fabric constituting three sets of yarns. While the process of producing interlaced 3D fabric comprising two sets of yarns complies with the principle of 2D weaving, the process of producing non-interlaced 3D fabric constituting three sets of yarns cannot be described as the process of ‘true’ 3D weaving. This is because the conventional 2D weaving process is designed to bring about the interlacement of two orthogonal sets of yarns, and not three orthogonal sets of yarns. However, an available method well-characterizes the weaving process in bringing about interlacement of three orthogonal sets of yarns and hence qualifies to be regarded as the ‘true’ 3D weaving process. The process of producing non-interlaced 3D fabric constituting three orthogonal sets of yarns does not comply with the principle...