Fabrication and characterization of large-area 3D photonic crystals

Full bandgap (3D) photonic crystal materials offer a means to precisely engineer the electromagnetic reflection, transmission, and emission properties of surfaces over wide angular and spectral ranges. However, very few 3D photonic crystals have been successfully demonstrated with areas larger than 1 cm2. Large sheets of photonic bandgap (PBG) structures would be useful, for example, as hot or cold mirrors for passively controlling the temperature of satellites. For example, an omni-directional 3D PBG structure emitting only at wavelengths shorter than 8 microns radiates only 7% of what a black body would at 200degK while radiating more than 40% at 400degK. 3D PBG materials may also find application in thermophotovoltaic energy generation and scavenging, as well as in wide field of view spectral filtering. Sandia National Laboratory is investigating a variety of methods for the design, fabrication, and characterization of PBG materials, and three methods are being pursued to fabricate large areas of PBG material. These methods typically fabricate a mold and then fill it with metal to provide a high refractive index contrast, enabling a full 3D bandgap to be formed. The most mature scheme uses silicon MEMS lithographic fabrication means to create a mold which if filled by a novel tungsten deposition method. A second method uses LIGA to create a mold in PMMA, which is filled by electro-deposition of gold, copper, or other materials. A third approach uses nano-imprinting to define the mold, which is filled using evaporative deposition or atomic layer deposition of metals or other materials. Details of the design and fabrication processes and experimental measurements of the structures are presented at the conference