건물일체형 신재생에너지 시스템의 평가를 위한 Mock-up 시설 계획설계에 관한 연구

Worldwide, the roadmap for saving building energy has been proposed. According to this tendency, research institutes of Korea are on process. In addition, applying renewable energy systems to improve the energy efficiency of buildings is urgently needed for the research. Therefore, a mock-up for renewable energy systems was built on the top floor of Architectural Engineering, Hanbat National University, Daejeon. This study proposes the integrative design process from planning for the performance of systems applied could be maximization. The form of this mock-up facility has cube shape and each face is devided as grid type. Because the BIPV system has unusual color as outer cover, the color design is considered. BIPV system has been applied 4 side as slope of 30 degree on south, horizontal, vertical south and vertical west side of facility with 2.1kW capacity. The color of window is considered for outer harmony, complementary color is applied. In case of BIST system, producted as window type and installed as first case of domestic. 9 collectors are installed in South side. In addition, to reduce the building's lighting load, dimming control sensor that works automatically with external condition and fuselage senser is installed to make the lighting load minimize. This mock-up facility is working on variety of performance assessments to applying renewable systems on the demonstration building. The evaluation of environmental performance is planned.