Efficient Path Planning Algorithm for Mobile Robot Navigation with a Local Minima Problem Solving

This paper proposes a new reactive planning algorithm for mobile robot navigation in unknown environments. The overall navigation system consists of three navigation subsystems. The lower level subsystem deals with the control of the linear and angular velocities using a multivariable PI controller described with a full matrix. The position control of the mobile robot is in the medium level, and it is a nonlinear. The nonlinear control design is implemented by a backstepping algorithm whose parameters are adjusted by a genetic algorithm. The high level subsystem uses the Fuzzy logic and Dempster-Shafer evidence theory to design the fusion of sensor data, map building and path planning tasks. The path planning algorithm is based on a modified potential field method. In this algorithm, the fuzzy rules for selecting the relevant obstacles for robot motion are introduced. Also, suitable steps are taken to pull the robot out of the local minima. A particular attention is paid to detection of the robot's trapped state and its avoidance. One of the main issues in this paper is to reduce the complexity of planning algorithms. Simulation results show a good quality of position tracking capabilities and obstacle avoidance behavior of the mobile robot.