Poker is one of the most popular games of chance. It is a game whose success and enjoyment is dependant highly on identity establishment and sustaining that impression throughout the game.Designers and usability evangelists design online poker games from the interface perspective to make it as realistic as possible and strive to deliver a complete emotional experience from a psychological perspective.One of the signi cant problems while designing for online poker games is the lack of emotional and personal experience of real poker game which greatly affects the authenticity and enjoyability of the game. This paper explores various design and usability heuristics, both interface and psychological, which shape the online poker experience.The methodology incorporated a study of available usability heuristics and methods and most popular online poker clients to arrive at uni ed usability heuristics method. The analysis resulted in giving an understanding of the role of various heuristics and their interplay with each other to design r an enjoyable poker experience
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Master of the game: assessing approachability in future game design
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Steve Cornett,et al.
The usability of massively multiplayer online roleplaying games: designing for new users
Heather Desurvire,et al.
Using heuristics to evaluate the playability of games
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Manfred Tscheligi,et al.
Methods for evaluating games: how to measure usability and user experience in games?
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Values at play: design tradeoffs in socially-oriented game design
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GameFlow: a model for evaluating player enjoyment in games
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Hiding and revealing in online poker games