Prescription rules of hormone replacement therapy and its alternative.

Hormone replacement therapy is still the most effective treatment for acute climacteric syndrome and prevention of osteoporosis. When starting treatment within 10 years of menopause, i.e., before the onset of irreversible changes in the vessel wall and nervous tissues, it is a window of opportunity to prevent atherosclerosis and dementia. At a later start, on the contrary, it worsens these processes. To increase the safety of the treatment, especially in affecting the breast tissue, we choose the lowest effective dose of estrogen and give preference to gestagens structurally close to progesterone. For women who, for objective or subjective reasons, prefer non-hormonal treatment, they can choose from an extensive range of complementary and alternative medicines. Unfortunately, it does not always reliable documentation of efficacy and safety from well-performed studies. However, the data for fermented soybean extract DT56a, pollen extract PI82/GC Fem, and some traditional Chinese medicine procedures offer an interesting opportunity. Physical activity cannot be forgotten in a comprehensive approach.