Interactive comment on “ORCHIDEE-MICT (revision 4126), a land surface model for the high-latitudes: model description and validation” by Matthieu Guimberteau et al

The manuscript presents a new version of the global land surface model ORCHIDEE, which aims at a more realistic representation of hydrological processes and carbon fluxes at high latitudes and is called ORCHIDEE-MICT. To this end, several new components are introduced, such as a vertical soil carbon profile, influence of soil carbon on soil thermal properties, and a revised scheme for plant water stress. The new model is thoroughly evaluated by comparing multiple variables, such as snow properties, soil moisture and temperature, runoff and evapotranspiration, GPP, NPP, biomass and soil carbon. Explanations for mismatches between model estimates and observations are provided. The paper is well written and of good scientific quality. I therefore recommend to publish it with some minor revisions (see below).