A total of 749 workers (males: 139 aged between 15 and 35 years, and 171 aged > 35 years; females: 176 aged between 15 and 35 years, and 263 aged > 35 years) performing tasks not at risk for work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limbs (WMSDs) underwent a clinical examination using a standardized method. The 'anamnestic cases' were defined on the basis of pain or paraesthesia present for at least 1 week during the previous 12 months, or appearing at least once a month, and not subsequent to acute trauma. The anamnestic cases among the males amounted to 4.4% (age 15-35 years) and 12.3% (age > 35 years); among the females, 4.6% (age 15-35 years) and 14.2% (age > 35 years). Of the 1498 limbs examined, the prevalent diseases reported were: suspect narrow chest syndrome: 0.3% among the males > 35 years, 0.6% among the females aged 15-35 years, 1% among the females > 35 years; scapulo-humeral periarthritis: 0.3% among the males aged > 35 years, 0.3% among the females aged 15-35 years, 1.3% among the females aged > 35 years; lateral epicondylitis: 0.3% among the males aged > 35 years, 0.2% among the females aged > 35 years; trapeziometacarpal arthrosis: 0.8% among the females aged > 35 years; wrist-hand tendinitis: 0.9% among the males aged > 35 years, 0.9% among the females aged 15-35 years; carpal tunnel syndrome: 2.5% among the females aged > 35 years. No disorders were detected outside the age ranges indicated. Several workers reported more than one disorder. The number of workers with at least one WMSD was: males 0% in the 15-35 years age range, 3.5% in the > 35 years age range; females 2.3% in the 15-35 years age range, 7.2% in the > 35 year age range; 3.9% of the total sample population. The prevalences were on average quite low, particularly among the older workers, hence the authors recommend that even minimal prevalences detected in particular work environments should not be underestimated.
T J Armstrong,et al.
Hand wrist cumulative trauma disorders in industry.
British journal of industrial medicine.
L. Forcier,et al.
Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) : a reference book for prevention
H Checkoway,et al.
Occupational carpal tunnel syndrome in Washington State, 1984-1988.
American journal of public health.
V. Putz-Anderson,et al.
The US prevalence of self-reported carpal tunnel syndrome: 1988 National Health Interview Survey data.
American journal of public health.