He-cooled divertor for DEMO: Experimental verification of the conceptual modular design

Abstract A modular He-cooled divertor concept is being developed at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. The design goal is to withstand a high heat flux of 10 MW/m 2 at least. The work programme of 2004 focused on experiments to verify the design and thermohydraulics layout. In cooperation with the Efremov Institute, experimental investigations were performed for the joining of tungsten parts and/or tungsten parts with steel and the fabrication of divertor components from tungsten. Moreover, gas puffing experiments were carried out with a stationary approach to measuring pressure loss and heat transfer for the purpose of screening the design options and verifying the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations. The status and results of the technological and helium experiments shall be outlined in this report.