Structuring a philosophical and theoretical framework in the pedagogical project to teach nursing care.

OBJECTIVES to analyze the philosophical, theoretical and methodological conceptions of the Theory of Praxic Intervention in Nursing in Collective Health by professors at a federal university, aiming at structuring a reference proposal for teaching nursing care. METHODS Convergent Assistance Research, with 17 teachers, gathered in convergence groups for instrumentalization and production about the referential. RESULTS the focus was primarily on issues considered preliminary to the theoretical and philosophical deepening of theory; and then a theoretical-methodological essay on historicity and dialectics was developed for teaching in nursing care. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS when electing Theory of Praxic Intervention in Nursing in Collective Health, the potential of the referential to make operational, in the teaching of assistance, the assumptions of historicity and dialectics operational, founding new conceptions for care. This decision represents a paradigmatic challenge exposing weaknesses in the formation related to its Cartesian origin and its limitations regarding intrinsic philosophical complexity.