Tss (Tail-short Shionogi), a new short tail mutation found in the BALB/cMs strain, maps quite closely to the Tail-short (Ts) locus on mouse chromosome 11.

A spontaneous morphological mutation characterized by a short and kinky tail (Tail-short Shionogi: Tss) was observed in a BALB/cMs mouse breeding colony. The inheritance mode of the Tss mutation is semi-dominant, and homozygotes (Tss/Tss) are probably embryonic lethal. The viability of the Tss/+ heterozygotes appear to be influenced by the mating partner: 47.1% of the (BALB/cMs-Tss/+ x C57BL/6J)F1 embryos were the mutant phenotype, whereas there were no (BALB/cMs-Tss/+ x A/J)F1 embryos with the mutant phenotype. The Tss locus was mapped by linkage analysis between microsatellite markers D11Mit128 and D11Mit256 on mouse Chromosome 11. These results suggest that the Tss mutation is a new allele on the Tail-short (Ts) locus.