The domino sampling chip: a 1.2 GHz waveform sampling CMOS chip

A waveform digitizing system is developed at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) based on the Domino Sampling Chip (DSC), a fast analog memory fabricated in CMOS technology. The principle of operation, the test system and the performance of the chip are described. Sampling frequencies of 1.2 GHz are generated on chip; the analog waveform is stored in 128 sampling capacitors. The main parameters of the chip are: timing non-linearity of 0.08%, amplitude non-linearity of 0.2% and a read-out frequency of 2.5 MHz. The design of the chip is optimized for a multi-channel board with parallel sampling of 16 input channels upon a common trigger pulse. ( 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.