[Hallux varus congenitus in polydactyly patients].
The authors report on experience gained in the surgical treatment of eight patients with congenital hallux varus associated with polydactyly of the big toe. Aside from a description of the "radiological anatomy", the paper focuses in particular on the intraoperative soft tissue findings. In addition to the supernumerary bone structures, muscle and tendon anomalies were found in all the patients. In four patients the cause of the varus malposition was found to be fibrous stands extending from the rudimentary big toe to the tarsus. In five patients the abductor hallucis muscle was found to be shortened. An analysis of the surgical results shows that these soft tissue changes must be taken into account during surgery. In addition to complete removal of the polydactylic supernumerary, fibrous strands must be resected and shortened muscles severed or elongated. In many cases, operations on the basal joint capsule and plastic surgery are also necessary.