New Opacity Calculations

I have computed new opacities for model stellar atmospheres and envelopes using a large grant of Cray computer time at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. The opacities include 58,000,000 atomic and diatomic molecular lines. Twelve-step distribution functions are tabulated for 56 temperatures in the range from 2000K to 200000K, for 21 log pressures from −2 to 8, for 1212 wavelength intervals from 10 to 10000 nm, for microturbulent velocities 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 km/s, for scaled solar abundances [+1.0], [+0.5], [+0.3], [+0.2], [+0.1], [+0.0], [−0.1], [−0.2], [−0.3], [−0.5], [−1.0], [−1.5], [−2.0], [−2.5], [−3.0], [−3.5], [−4.0], [−4.5], [−5.0], and [+0.0, no He] (log abundance of elements heavier than helium relative to solar). Rosseland means are also tabulated for each case. The final files for each abundance require three 6250 bpi VAX backup tapes. I am now distributing tape copies. I hope to have CD-ROMs available in the near future. A solar photospheric model computed with the new opacities matches the observed energy distribution.