Direct Large-Scale N-Body Simulations of Planetesimal Dynamics

Abstract We describe a new direct numerical method for simulating planetesimal dynamics in which N ∼10 6 or more bodies can be evolved simultaneously in three spatial dimensions over hundreds of dynamical times. This represents several orders of magnitude improvement in resolution over previous studies. The advance is made possible through modification of a stable and tested cosmological code optimized for massively parallel computers. However, owing to the excellent scalability and portability of the code, modest clusters of workstations can treat problems with N ∼10 5 particles in a practical fashion. The code features algorithms for detection and resolution of collisions and takes into account the strong central force field and flattened Keplerian disk geometry of planetesimal systems. We demonstrate the range of problems that can be addressed by presenting simulations that illustrate oligarchic growth of protoplanets, planet formation in the presence of giant planet perturbations, the formation of the jovian moons, and orbital migration via planetesimal scattering. We also describe methods under development for increasing the timescale of the simulations by several orders of magnitude.

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