Extending Quality Function Deployment To Enterprise Mobile Sevices Design And Development

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic approach used by teams to identify, communicate and prioritise customer requirements so that an organisation can improve products and services to exceed customer expectations. QFD is an effective approach to build customer's requirements into the products and services, to beat the competition, and to meet the customer's needs. There is reasonable consensus among researchers that QFD is a useful and beneficial approach to reduce the design time and design costs while improving the qualities of products and services. However, most reported instances of successful or unsuccessful QFD practices lie within a manufacturing setting. However, the QFD methodology can be altered to fit and benefit service industry for example mobile services. This paper proposes a framework based on QFD concepts and practices to improve the enterprise mobile services analysis, design and development. A case study was carried out on CyPhone services analysis, design and development. The objective of this research is to improve the quality of enterprise mobile services by maximally satisfying customer's needs on 3rd and future generation multimedia enterprise mobile services.