Advances in Molten Salt Chemistry

Ionic Mobilities (A. Klemm). Introduction. Internal Mobilities in Single Salts. External Mobilities of Single Salts and Mixtures. The Nature of External Mobilities. External Mobilities and External Transport Numbers. Analytical Methods. Volumetric Methods. The Streaming Potential. Experimental Results and Discussion. Internal Mobilities of Mixtures. Analytical Methods Based on External Mobilities. Analytical Methods with Checked Ionic Concentrations in a Column. The Occurrence of Migrating Boundaries. Mobility Ratios from the Observation of Migrating Boundaries. EMF Methods. Experimental Results and Discussion for Isotopes. Experimental Results and Discussion for Nonisotopic Additive Binary Mixtures. Cationic Self Diffusion Coefficients of Binary Nitrate Mixtures. References. Aluminum Electrolysis Electrolyte and Electrochemistry (J. Thonstad). Introduction. The Electrolyte. Phase Equilibria. Thermodynamic Properties. Solubility of Aluminum and Aluminum Carbide. Measurements of Aluminum Solubility. Vapor Pressure of Dissolved Metal. Electrochemical Properties of Dissolved Metal. Nature of the Dissolved Metal. Solubility of Aluminum Carbide. Physico-Chemical Properties. Density. Surface Properties. Viscosity. Electrical Conductivity. Transference Numbers. Diffusivity. Electrode Reactions. Reference Electrodes. Double Layer Capacity. The Cathode Reaction. The Anode Reaction. Anode Effect. Current Efficiency and Energy Efficiency. Current Efficiency in Commercial Aluminum Cells. Energy Efficiency. Future Trends. Inert Electrode Materials. Aluminum Chloride Electrolysis. The Electrolyte. Cell Reaction and Current Efficiency. Conclusions. References. The Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Magnesium Production (G.J. Kipouros, D.R. Sadoway). Introduction. Electrolytic Methods of Magnesium Production. Cell Feed Preparation. The Electrolyte. Industrial Electrolysis Cells. Mechanism of Magnesium Electrodeposition. Thermochemical Methods of Magnesium Production. Carbothermic Reduction. Metallothermic Reduction. Other Methods of Reduction. Flux Chemistry. Future Outlook. References. Organic and Organometallic Reactions in Molten Salts and Related Melts (R.M. Pagni). Introduction. Aluminum Chloride-Containing Molten Salts and Melts. The Scholl Reaction. Ene Reaction. Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution. Rearrangements and Isomerizations. Final Comments on A1C1 3 -Containing Melts. Pyridine Hydrohalide Molten Salts. Cleavage of Ethers. Cyclization Reactions. Deacylation. Dealkylation with Rearrangement. Aromatization. Isomerization. Synthetic Applications. Ammonium and Phosphonium Salt Melts. Tetra-n-butylammonium Fluoride. Phosphonium Salts. Tetraalkylammonium Tetraalkylborides. Nitrate and Nitrite Containing Melts. Alkali and Alkaline Earth Salts. Alkali and Alkaline Earth Halides. Alkali Thiocyanate Melts. Alkali Metal Carboxylates. Alkali Metal Hydroxide. Zinc, Copper (I and II), Iron (III) and Tin (II) Chloride Melts. Desulfurization of Alkyl Sulfides.