OVERVIEW: Recent evidence suggests that productivity in new product development (NPD) is declining; that is, we are seeing less output (measured in terms of impact on the business) for the same relative spending level. This article outlines seven practices or principles which, according to studies of NPD practices and performance, will increase NPD productivity after they are embraced. These principles include familiar concepts such as building in the voice of the customer, front-end loading projects, and taking a more holistic approach to product innovation. However, while they are familiar, it is surprising how many firms have yet to embrace them. Other, less familiar, principles include: relying on spiral rather than linear development; building in metrics, team accountability and continuous improvement; and portfolio management techniques to yield higher value projects. Finally, a number of best performers are redesigning their idea-to-launch processes, moving to the next-generation Stage-Gate® system; they employ methods borrowed from lean manufacturing to remove waste from their development processes, and they also make their processes scalable, flexible, adaptable, and more open to the external environment.
R. Cooper,et al.
0 0 0 0 An Investigation into the New Product Process : Steps , Deficiencies , and Impact
R. Cooper,et al.
New Products: What Separates Winners from Losers?
Gary L. Lilien,et al.
Performance Assessment of the Lead User Idea-Generation Process for New Product Development
Manag. Sci..
Michael N. Kennedy.
Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota''''s System Is Four Times More Productive an
R. Cooper,et al.
Benchmarking Best NPD Practices—II
John Cullen,et al.
Democratizing Innovation
Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
N. Sakkab,et al.
Connect and Develop : Inside Procter & Gamble's New Model for Innovation
Bob Cooper,et al.
Ten ways to make better portfolio and project selection decisions
Clayton M. Christensen,et al.
Innovacion disruptiva para el cambio social
Robert G. Cooper,et al.
New Products—What Separates the Winners from the Losers and What Drives Success