주거단지 외부공간의 활용증대를 위한 계획기법에 관한 기초연구

The purpose of this basic study is to find plan techniques that can increase the practical use with residents' satisfaction at outside space. The results of study are as following ; First, that the reflection degree of plan contents in outside space planning is high was 「environment/tree plant (43.2%)」 and that show next high reflection degree was 「road system (3.14%)」. But, 「view plan」 was evaluated by the lowest thing at reflection degree of plan contents. so, various and active Design of 「view plan」 may have to be tried 'Number of layers change' and 'roof design that influence on street view. Second, it was evaluated by reflecting(35.8%) more plan standard and contents at outside space planning of housing complex in Suseong-gu. it is reflecting more plan contents 「road system」 and 「community」 in Buk-gu' housing complex. Judging from that, we know that Regional difference in outside space planning. we need to be the effective plan method by understand wording only just in area and through information interchange with other area for outdoor space planning. Third, we must be applicable to outside space planning by investigation residents' form special quality and Preference for outside space in housing complex. Fourth, we need to be the objective data construction which can grope plan technique by consideration affordance so that residents can utilize outside space.