Performance analysis of OFZ-LEACH to extend network lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks

In Wireless Sensor Network, sensor nodes life time is the most critical parameter. Many researches on these lifetime extension are motivated by LEACH scheme. Rotation based cluster head election method in LEACH-C improves the life time of the network. But that doesn’t provide mobility prediction which leads to disconnection of a cluster from the network. This will create data loss and routing problem. Proposed system increases the Cluster head life time. In such network, routing is largely based on nodal contact probability. The basic idea of this WSN is to distribute the grou mobile node with similar mobility pattern into a cluster. A new energy efficient clustering protocol is used which eliminates above problem by forming Far-Zone. Far-Zone is a group of sensor nodes which are placed at locations where their energies are less than a threshold and Double Exponentially Moving Average (DEMA) scheme is employed for on-line updating nodal contact.