Energy Consumption and Packet Loss Analysis of LEACH Routing Protocol on WSN Over DTN

Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is one of clustering routing protocols on Wireless Senosor Network (WSN). LEACH algorithm is divided to setup phase and steady state phase. In a busy network, LEACH Routing has a high packet loss. To solve the problem we need Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). DTN is an advanced architecture that allows communication in extreme conditions like a busy network. In this research, LEACH-WSN changes to optimize the network by adding DTN to LEACH-WSNoverDTN. The LEACH-WSN modification by providing a bundle layer to keep the data temporarily. Simulation is performed to test the performance of LEACH-WSNoverDTN based on changes in the number of node and buffer capacity. In changing the number of node, LEACH-WSNoverDTN can improve performance by decreasing packet loss value by 50% of LEACH-WSN packet loss. In changing of the buffer capacity, LEACH-WSNoverDTN also improves performance on PDR values that increase by 1.8% of LEACH-WSN. In the test of energy consumption in two scenarios, LEACH-WSN and LEACH-WSNoverDTN have no significant differences but when we check the lifetime of node which depends on energy consumption, LEACH-WSNoverDTN has early death node. The effect of LEACH-WSNoverDTN is significant when the number of nodes increases or busy network.