A Content, Pedagogy and Technology [CPT] Approach to TPACK

TPACK is a framework for the learning process in which educators combine Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge to deliver the learning experience. Therefore, TPACK can be defined as a complex interaction between the technology, pedagogy and content. TPACK expresses the overlap between these factors in a two-dimensional space, placing TPACK at the centre. Educators can place their teaching episode within this space and ask, if I place my delivery at this point is it the best point in the TPACK space? Secondly educators may ask how can the best point within the space be determined? The CPT model proposes an attempt to address these questions by recasting TPACK as a three-dimensional pseudo-vector space allowing expected outcomes and observed outcomes to be analysed. For the study presented here our null hypothesis is: H0 = there is no significant difference between the observed and expected outcomes.