An Annotated List of the Odonata of the Dakotas

Adult odonates were collected daily from 23 June to 3 August 1976 in most major areas of the Dakotas. These collections, museum specimens, and the literature yielded 77 species for the 2 states, 53 for North Dakota (ND), 65 for South Dakota (SD). Among these are 7 from ND, 27 from SD for which there are no previous published state records. County records are presented for the 77 substantiated species, range limits of many are described, and continental distributions analyzed. The Dakota fauna is 49% transcontinental, 29% western, 14% eastern, 8% central. However, the number of eastern and western components become similar when species recorded in the Dakotas only from the Black Hills are subtracted from the eastern and western lists. Lists of unconfirmed and of deleted species are presented.