Derandomization of Sparse Cyclotomic Integer Zero Testing

The zero testing and sign determination problems of real algebraic numbers of high extension degree are important in computational complexity and numerical analysis. In this paper we concentrate an sparse cyclotomic integers. Given an integer n and a sparse polynomial f(x) = C<sub>k</sub>x<sup>e(k)</sup> + c<sub>k-1</sub>x<sup>e(k-1)</sup> + ... + c<sub>1</sub>x<sup>e(1)</sup>over Z, we present a deterministic polynomial time algorithm to decide whether f(w<sub>n</sub>) is zero or not, where f(w<sub>n</sub>) denotes the n-th primitive root of unity e<sup>2piradic(-1/n)</sup>. All previously known algorithms are either randomized, or do not run in polynomial time. As a side result, we prove that if n is free of prime factors less than k + 1, there exist k field automorphisms sigma<sub>1</sub>, sigma<sub>2</sub>, ... , sigma<sub>k</sub> in the Galois group Gal (Q(w<sub>n</sub>)/Q) such that for any nonzero integers c<sub>1</sub>, c<sub>2</sub> ... , c<sub>k</sub> and for any integers 0 les e<sub>1</sub> < e<sub>2</sub> < ... < e<sub>k</sub> < n, there exists i so that |sigma<sub>i</sub>(c<sub>k</sub>w<sub>n</sub> <sup>ek</sup> + c<sub>k-1</sub>w<sub>n</sub> <sup>e(k-1)</sup> + ... + c<sub>1</sub>w<sub>n</sub> <sup>e(1)</sup>) | ges 1/2<sup>(k(2)log</sup> <sup>n+klogk)</sup>.

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