The Differences Between Consecutive Primes
This paper discusses two problems which relate to the difference between consecu~ve primes. Let p. be the nth prime, and d. = p . + l p . . (1) We want to find a funct ion f(,~) such that d . 0 is a given constant and cl is a number which satisfies ~*((r, T) ~O, (4) provided the funct ion g(x) satisfies g(x) K loglog x fox* every K > 0 and x>fzo(tC). This paper establishes the following theorem and so improves on the above result. Theorem 1. Suppose that the estimate (4) hoZds and the est~mata N (or, T) 0 and q'z>0. For any A > 0 ~e$
[1] D. R. Heath-Brown,et al. On the difference between consecutive primes , 1979 .
[2] On sums of large differences between consecutive primes , 1979 .
[3] The Differences between Consecutive Primes, II , 1979 .
[4] Bemerkungen über Lücken zwischen Primzahlen , 1976 .
[5] D. R. Heath-Brown. The Differences between Consecutive Primes , 1978 .
[6] Zero Density Estimates for the Riemann Zeta‐Function and Dirichlet L‐Functions , 1979 .