Caratteristiche produttive della razza Barà-Pustertaler allevata in Piemonte

Barà-Pustertaler cattle breed in Piemonte: characteristics and productivity Several farms situated on the mountain area of the Torino province have been rearing, for almost a century, a cattle population locally called Barà. The excellent characteristics of rusticity and the balanced double attitude, milk and meat, have allowed a constant presence of this population on this territory, independently from the lack of official breeders association controls. Since the year 2001, as a consequence of a demand from the breeders themselves, some genetic surveying have been carried out, identifying the Barà population as pertaining to the Pustertaler breed, still present in North-Eastern Italian Alps (Alto Adige), even if in a particularly reduced number; therefore, that allowed the successive registration of these subjects to the relevant herd book. A further survey has regarded the study of the morphologic and productive traits of the breed that has put into evidence that the somatic development of the Barà subjects is particularly favourable in the phase of alpine pasture and that the milk produced presents interesting qualitative properties maintaining good yield levels.