AnAttitude Determination System For A SmallUnmannedHelicopter UsingLow-Cost Sensors
Attitude determination system(ADS)thatuse inexpensive sensors andarebasedoncomputationally efficient androbustalgorithms areindispensable forreal-time vehicle navigation, guidance and controlapplication. Thispaper describes an attitude determination systemthatisbasedon accelerometer andrategyro.Thealgorithm isbasedon a extended Kalmanfilter. Usingintegration ofangular ratesas state vector andtheearth's gravity asthemeasured vector, the attitude (roll andpitch) andgyrobiasisestimated. Atlast, a discrete extended Kalmanfilter (EKF)implement ofthesame formulation istest onasmall unmannedhelicopter Index Terms-UAV,extended KalmanFilter, Low-Cost Sensors I.INTRODUCTION
[1] M. Shuster,et al. Three-axis attitude determination from vector observations , 1981 .