Resternotomy for a Retrosternal Cardiac Pseudoaneurysm in a 1.5‐Year‐ Old Child: A Case Report

Abstract  Cardiac pseudoaneurysm is a contained rupture of the myocardium that can occur after cardiac surgery, chest trauma, and endocarditis. The wall of the pseudoaneurysm consists of fibrous tissue and lacks the structural elements found in a normal cardiac wall, and it is contained by the pericardial adhesions or the epicardial wall. Early surgery is recommended even for asymptomatic patients due to the propensity for rupture and fatal outcome. We report our experience with the surgical approach of a child with a cardiac pseudoaneurysm who had undergone a biventricular repair of a double outlet right ventricle with non‐committed ventricular septal defect in the form of intraventricular tunneling.