High Gain Coding Schemes for Space Communications

In 1948, Claude E. Shannon showed that forward error correction was able to lower the bit error ratio of a numeric transmission as long as the channel capacity is not exceeded. This discovery lead to amazing progress in the field of telecommunication and today’ s compact–discs, cellular phones, submarines and space probes use error control schemes to make their transmissions reliable. The scientific community has been recently astonished by the discovery f parallel concatenation now referred to as T urbo Codes and its amazing performance and simplicity. In this report, we present another type of concatenation: serial concatenation and we study the properties of a new way to build iterative decoders based on the MAP algorithm. The main aim of this project is to find a way to replace the current coding scheme to be implemented on the NASA space observation probe Galileo. The spacecraft was launched in 1989 and is currently heading to Jupiter . A slightly more powerful error correcting scheme and its associated iterative MAP decoder are described. We also present in this report other powerful codes and the way they were derived.

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