Effects of Biodiesel, Biodiesel Blends, and a Synthetic Diesel on Emissions from Light Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles

Over the past several years, there has been increased interest in reformulated and alternative diesel fuels to control emissions and provide energy independence. In the following study, a California diesel fuel was compared with neat biodiesel, an 80% California diesel/20% biodiesel blend, and a synthetic diesel fuel to examine the effects on emissions. Chassis dynamometer tests were performed on four light heavy-duty diesel trucks using each of the four fuels. The results of this study showed that biodiesel, the biodiesel blends, and the synthetic diesel produced generally lower THC and CO emissions than California diesel. NOx emissions were comparable over most of the fuel/vehicle combinations, with slightly higher NOx emissions found for the two noncatalyst vehicles on 100% biodiesel. Particulate emissions were slightly higher for two test vehicles and significantly higher for a third test vehicle on the biodiesel fuels. Chemical analyses showed elemental and organic carbon to be the primary constituen...