AC Karma white spring wheat

AC Karma, white seeded spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), combines high grain yield with resistance to common bunt [caused by Tilletia laevis Kuhn in Rabenh. and T. caries (DC.) Tul. & C. Tul.] and loose smut [caused by Ustilago tritici (Pers.) Rostr.] in a semidwarf, photoperiod insensitive background. AC Karma has improved leaf rust (caused by Puccinia recondita Roberg ex Desmaz.) and stem rust (caused by P. graminis Pers.:Pers.) resistance, stronger straw and earlier maturity compared to Genesis. AC Karma is eligible for grades of the Canada Prairie Spring (white) wheat class. Key words:Triticum aestivum L., cultivar description, loose smut resistance, common bunt resistance, high yield, white kernel, spring wheat