Vehicle control system implementation Using CAN protocol

Present Automobiles are being developed by more of electrical parts for efficient operation. Generally a vehicle was built with an analog driver-vehicle interface for indicating various vehicle status like speed, fuel level, Engine temperature etc., This paper presents the development and implementation of a digital driving system for a semi-autonomous vehicle to improve the driver-vehicle interface. It uses an ARM based data acquisition system that uses ADC to bring all control data from analog to digital format and visualize through LCD. The communication module used in this project is embedded networking by CAN which has efficient data transfer. It also takes feedback of vehicle conditions like Vehicle speed, Engine temperature etc., and controlled by main controller. Additionally this unit equipped with GSM which communicates to the owner during emergency situations. With rapidly changing computer and information technology and much of the technology finding way into vehicles. They are undergoing dramatic changes in their capabilities and how they interact with the drivers. Although some vehicles have provisions for deciding to either generate warnings for the human driver or controlling the vehicle autonomously, they usually must make these decisions in real time with only incomplete information. So, it is important that human drivers still have some control over the vehicle. Advanced in-vehicle information systems provide vehicles with different types and levels of intelligence to assist the driver. The introduction into the vehicle design has allowed an almost symbiotic relationship between the driver and vehicle by providing a sophisticated & intelligent driver-vehicle interface through an intelligent information network. This paper discusses the development of such a control framework for the vehicle which is called the digital-driving behavior, which consists of a joint mechanism between the driver and vehicle for perception, decision making and control.