Utilization of Illinois slags for the production of ultra-lightweight aggregates. Technical report, December 1, 1992--February 28, 1993

The objective of this program is to demonstrate that solid residues (slag) from the gasification of Illinois coals can be utilized to manufacture ultra-lightweight aggregates (ULWA). Conventional ULWAs are made by pyroprocessing perlite ores and have unit weights in the range of 3--15 lb/ft{sup 3}. In a previous project, Praxis Engineers demonstrated at the pilot scale that lightweight aggregates with unit weights of 40--55 lb/ ft{sup 3} can be produced from Illinois coal slags, which is suitable for making lightweight cement concrete and precast blocks. These tests also indicated that a product with a unit weight of less than 25 lb/ft{sup 3} could be produced from slag. This project is aimed at testing the potential for producing ULWA from Illinois coal slags. Target applications include loose fill insulation, insulating concrete, lightweight precast products such as concrete blocks and rooftiles, and filtration media. Laboratory- and pilot-scale testing is being conducted in Phase I to identify operating conditions for the expansion of Illinois slags to produce ULWA. Following this, a large batch of expanded slag will be produced, for evaluation in various applications in Phase II.