Dynamics of rat entorhinal cortex layer II and III cells: characteristics of membrane potential resonance at rest predict oscillation properties near threshold

Neurones generate intrinsic subthreshold membrane potential oscillations (MPOs) under various physiological and behavioural conditions. These oscillations influence neural responses and coding properties on many levels. On the single‐cell level, MPOs modulate the temporal precision of action potentials; they also have a pronounced impact on large‐scale cortical activity. Recent studies have described a close association between the MPOs of a given neurone and its electrical resonance properties. Using intracellular sharp microelectrode recordings we examine both dynamical characteristics in layers II and III of the entorhinal cortex (EC). Our data from EC layer II stellate cells show strong membrane potential resonances and oscillations, both in the range of 5–15 Hz. At the resonance maximum, the membrane impedance can be more than twice as large as the input resistance. In EC layer III cells, MPOs could not be elicited, and frequency‐resolved impedances decay monotonically with increasing frequency or has only a small peak followed by a subsequent decay. To quantify and compare the resonance and oscillation properties, we use a simple mathematical model that includes stochastic components to capture channel noise. Based on this model we demonstrate that electrical resonance is closely related though not equivalent to the occurrence of sag‐potentials and MPOs. MPO frequencies can be predicted from the membrane impedance curve for stellate cells. The model also explains the broad‐band nature of the observed MPOs. This underscores the importance of intrinsic noise sources for subthreshold phenomena and rules out a deterministic description of MPOs. In addition, our results show that the two identified cell classes in the superficial EC layers, which are known to target different areas in the hippocampus, also have different preferred frequency ranges and dynamic characteristics. Intrinsic cell properties may thus play a major role for the frequency‐dependent information flow in the hippocampal formation.

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