Synchronous Machine Modelling

The chapter deals with the modelling of the synchronous machines (SMs). Following the introduction of the continuous development of the SMs, their a-b-c model is established considering the case of salient pole machines. Then, the Park transform is applied to the established a-b-c model, leading to the Park one. A special attention is paid to the formulation and analysis of the electromagnetic torque with an investigation of the variations of its synchronizing and reluctant components in terms of the torque angle. Then, a characterization of the operation at (i) maximum torque and (ii) unity power factor is carried out before focusing the flux-weakening approaches that could be implemented in SMs considering both smooth and salient pole topologies. The chapter is achieved by a case study dealing with an investigation of the main features of the electric drive unit of a hybrid propulsion system and the possibility of their improvement with emphasis on the extension of the flux-weakening range.