3D 애니메이션의 배경 표현에 관한 분석
This article analyzes the background representation of 3D animation and look at what its proper background expression. With the development of computer graphics technology, the background of the 3D animations can be expressed as The actual background. In contrast, “The Smurfs” which was released recently was created to take the actual background. However, 3D animation with real background is not appropriate in terms of creative expression space in the main role of the animation. In this Study, we analyze the character and background of the animation made in 3D graphics. Based on this, we propose a correct representation of 3D animation background.
[1] 김치용,et al. 지자체 관광자원을 모티브로 한 3D입체애니메이션의 스토리텔링 기획에 관한 연구 , 2015 .