A discriminative approach to the relation between "farms reclaimed for agriculture chiefly by garrisoned troops" and "plots of agricultural land run by the authorities" during the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties that followed
During the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties that followed, "farms reclaimed for agriculture chiefly by garrisoned troops" and "plots of agricultural land run by the authorities" were amongthe inportant measures adopted in feudal land system. For a long time, there has ben wide differencein opinion about their relationship among the historical cireles. This paper, with full and accurae data,arranges the relationship between the two in proper other stage by stage, and is of opinion tha during theearly Tang Dyansty, "plots of agricultural land run by the authorities" referred to land management ingeneral whereas "farms reclaimed for agriculare chiefly by garrisoned troops" referred to a special catalopof government-run bo system; from the late Tang Dynasty up to the Five Dynasties that followed, theMinistry of Revenue replaced the Department for Agricultural Field Affairs as the management office incharge of "plots of agricultural land run by the authorities", thus turning the plots into another catalog ofgnernment-run land system parallel to "farms reclained for agriculture chiefly by garrisoned troops". Also, the paper negates the assertion that "farms reclaimed for agriculture chiefly by garrisoned troops"were transformed into "plots of agricultural land run by the authorities" during the late Tang Dynasty.