1. A clinical, radiological and histological description of a patient with fibrogenesis imperfecta ossium is given. We think that this is the first case in which diagnosis has been made during the life of the patient. 2. The disease is characterised by a defect in the formation of the collagen fibres of the bone matrix. There is also a failure of normal calcification of the matrix, giving rise to the appearance of wide "osteoid" seams. When examined with the polarising microscope and when stained with Gomori9s reticulin stain the collagen fibres can be seen to be grossly deficient and abnormal. 3. The patient presented at the age of fifty-four years with bone pain and multiple fractures. The only biochemical abnormality detected in the plasma was an elevated alkaline phosphatase. He was also in negative calcium balance. 4. Treatment with vitamin D 2 , later changed to dihydrotachysterol, appears to have produced clinical, biochemical and radiological improvement. It appears that a direct action of the vitamin on the abnormal bone collagen must be postulated, in addition to its known actions on the calcifying mechanisms. 5. An unusual feature of the case was the slow development of a total unresponsiveness to large doses of vitamin D 2 , in spite of a markedly elevated level of vitamin D in the plasma. There was later a response to a much smaller dose of dihydrotachysterol, which is being maintained to date.