The effect of multipath fading and the surroundings of the communication area cause errors in the V2I (Vehicle to Infrastructure) communication link. Traditional ITS/DSRC systems cannot read information when vehicles move at high speed. These reasons cause the unreliability of the conventional ITS/DSRC systems. Therefore, the authors propose using the MIMO technique and SDR technology to enhance the ITS/DSRC systems’ performance. This article presents an implementation of the SDR technology for ITS/DSRC used with the MIMO technique. All experimentation has followed the IEEE 802.11p WAVE-DSRC standard. The USRP platform and GNU Radio software package have been used. The achievement of 2 USRP platforms can be configured easily as OBU and RSU. OBU are installed in the vehicles to perform measurements for V2I applications. The packet error rate, bit error rate, throughput, and average correct received packet ratio have been investigated by varying the distances between the RSU and OBU. The results show an improvement in the traditional ITS/DSRC system’s performance. The proposed system increases the reliability for drivers when a small bit error rate occurred. The proposed system gains a high system throughput. Then, the ITS/DSRC communication system can transmit important information at a high data rate.

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