Smart MEMS: flip chip integration of MEMS and electronics

This paper will describe a new approach to the integration of electronics with MEMS, or Smart MEMS. Flip chip solder bumping of integrated circuits is routinely used for packaging purposes and has now been extended to the placement of electronics in close proximity to MEMS devices. The flip chip approach separates the fabrication of the MEMS and electronic devices, allowing both the IC's and MEMS to be fabricated of many different substrate materials, not just single crystal silicon. The close proximity of the electronics to the MEMS devices is very desirable to improve signal to noise performance, and provide higher levels of systems integration. This new approach provides batch fabrication capability as opposed to the serial hybrid approach, without having to fabricate the electronics and MEMS on the same chip. Results on the attachment of surface micromachined structures to glass and silicon substrates will be reported.

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