China motorization trends: policy options in a world of transport challenges

This chapter explores existing and potential Chinese transport and energy policy options related to private individual motor vehicles that have been or may be implemented in response to energy security, air pollution, and other challenges associated with motorization. It develops three different personal mobility scenarios that project oil and energy demand outcomes in 2010 and 2020, revealing a wide range of future oil demand levels and potential oil imports. The results also translate into a wide range of future carbon emissions from personal transportation. These outcomes depend primarily on choices Chinese policymakers make now. Different policy options are linked to the scenarios, suggesting how different policies could affect vehicle use, as well as how advanced and alternative fuel vehicle technologies could reduce some of the negative impact of motorization and improve energy efficiency. Section 2 describes motorization trends in China and the energy and environmental consequences that follow. Section 3 reviews current transport-related policies, targets, and standards in China. The scenarios and key results are explained in sections 4 and 5. Policy options that could create the optimal transport scenario are presented in section 6. Section 7 provides the final discussion and conclusion.